Ibrahim and Ali

There must be a time to bid farewell to loved ones in this life, and today I say goodbye to a very dear person to me named Ibrahim, who works as a street cleaner in the neighborhood in which I live. I used to see him every morning for many many years and I never saw him once without a wide smile on his face despite the tough life he is going through.

He works under the scorching sun in the summer far away from his family, with a very decent salary, to provide for his children back home in Bangladesh. One of his sons studies computer science and I wish I could have the chance to meet him to tell him how great his father is. I was one day in his position, so I know very well the feeling of isolation and homesickness.

Just because someone came to do a poorly paid job in your country does not mean that you are more powerful or better than him, but this is how life is. This is something that a person cannot choose when they are born into this life and so it is absolutely necessary to be kind to those who come to find a living in another country. Be considerate with them, shake their hands, talk to them, and do not leave them alone. These simple actions do not cost you a penny but it has a massive impact on them. It makes them feel that they are included in the community, that they are one of you, and that they mean something. The psychological and physical struggle they are going through is a very difficult matter that only those who lived through it can understand how it feels.

Farewell, my friend! You will be missed.

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